“There is a new man in South Africa. A man who takes responsibility for his actions. A man who chooses a single partner over multiple chances with HIV. A man whose self-worth is not determined by the number of women he can have. A man who makes no excuses for unprotected sex, even after drinking. A man who supports his partner and protects his children. A man who respects his woman and never lifts a hand to her. A man that knows that the choices we make today will determine whether we see tomorrow. I am that man and you are my brother.”Every child has or had a father somewhere, even if they don’t live with or see him often. This includes relatives, stepfather or foster-fathers.
Children need and want the care of men in their lives. They value the idea of a father or a father-figure. Being usually taught to respect men, children want to spend time with, learn from and be guided by them.
If men can’t live with their children, they can still keep in contact with them. Children know their fathers.
If men can’t support their children or provide materially for their children’s needs, they can still give them love, affection and support.
Men need to be kind to their children and not hurt them. Men are much bigger and stronger than children. Their strength should be used to protect children from harm everywhere.
Young fathers benefit from staying in contact with their children. Young men who are involved with their children make more effort to protect themselves from harm.
It takes a real man to raise a child!